Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. The good news is that it’s often preventable. February is American Heart Month, the perfect time to focus on what you can do for your heart.
2024 Open Enrollment is in the rear-view mirror. Our members helped make it a huge success. More than 310,964 subscribers took action! Here are a few reminders on what will happen next.
Warmer weather, with its blossoming trees and blooming bushes, make spring delightful in North Carolina. But for many who suffer from seasonal allergies, this season is more dreary than delightful. What can be done? Fight back by taking a few simple steps.
February is American Heart Month, the perfect time to focus on what you can do for your heart. After all, it works hard for you every minute of the day!
Now is a good time to start planning how to maintain your weight and avoid gaining during the holiday season. Switch your focus from weight loss to weight maintenance during the holidays. Plus, an important reminder about ID cards.
If it’s September, that means Open Enrollment is around the corner. Here are some highlights on what you can expect for the State Health Plan’s 2023 Open Enrollment, which will be held October 10-28, 2022.